Important announcement: Merger of the firms Harmonia Assurance, DPJL, and La Turquoise. For more information, please refer to our press release.
We have the insurance program that’s right for your business
ProtecPRO and La Turquoise Pro have teamed up to offer you a wide range of insurance programs addressed, more specifically, to financial security advisors, alternative medicine practitioners, IT specialists, Napa Autopro brand representatives, and many more!
We offer you peace of mind!
As the owner, director or manager of a company, you’re not immune from legal action, including:
- Legal action for wrongful dismissal, job discrimination or harassment in the workplace
- Legal action by a competitor that claims to be a victim of defamation on your part
- Legal action by a third party due to an an error in your business decisions
Failure to carry out one of these responsibilities may result in adverse consequences that could jeopardize the long-term success of the company.
We provide a wide range of insurance products catered to your needs
Legal assistance
During our working life, we need to deal with issues that involve contracts, estates, work, and more. Legal assistance coverage allows you to get answers from experts.
Builders risk
Coverage for your construction projects, as well as all material claims.
Business property
Coverage for material property, such as buildings and their content.
Equipment breakdown
Coverage that adequately insures your equipment, which is often excluded under business insurance policies.
Coverage that guarantees the fulfillment of a contract, regardless of the value and scope of a construction project.
Cyber risk
Coverage against privacy breach, including loss, theft and unauthorized access to or use of confidential information.
Coverage against theft and fraudulent activity by third parties.
Errors and omissions
Coverage against faulty workmanship carried out by the contractor, or by one of his employees, or sub-contractors.
Business interruption
Coverage that protects you against financial loss, should such a loss prevent you from carrying out your regular operations.
Accident policy
If you had an accident and had to cease your activities, would you like to receive compensation? The brokers at La Turquoise can offer you this product!
Coverage that protects your company against claims by third parties caused by pollution resulting from the performance of your work.
Product recall
Coverage that protects your company if you have to recall one of your products.
Civil liability
Coverage that protects your company against claims for bodily injury or material damage incurred in your workplace.
Professional liability
Coverage that protects you against legal action related to your offer of professional services.
Your liability coverage may not be enough should a major disaster strike. For this you would need Umbrella coverage, this global coverage protects you from: Material damage, Bodily injury & Moral damages (harm to reputation).
Take advantage of our business insurance expertise
Our brokers are proud to meet your needs and offer you coverage that meets your expectations.